Atisa contributed to Torre GalFa redevelopment by supplying Air Treatment Units (AHU) and also Air Treatment Units complete with recuperator. ATISA’s experience and expertise in the sector work alongside designers and installers in search of customized solutions.
Historic Milanese building, Torre Galfa, designed by arch. Melchiorre Bega, was completed in 1959 for housing Sarom oil company offices based in Milan. The name GalFa can be traced back to its location: the building is in fact at the intersection of via Galvani and via Fara (Galvani + Fara), in the heart of the business center, between Pirelli skyscraper and Via Melchiorre Gioia.
Owned by the UnipolSai group, it was redeveloped by BG&K associated firm arch. Maurice Kanah’s project.
Year: 2018
Project: Torre GalFa – Milan
Designer: BG&K associates
Atisa Products: U.T.A.
Client: CEFLA – Imola (BO)