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The MIS Additional System Complements series have been assigned and manufactured for sensitive loads dissipation inside military ships’ operating rooms.
I ventilconvettori per locali pubblici PRO sono stati progettati per il trattamento dell’aria degli spazi pubblici destinati a passeggeri, ufficiali e anche equipaggi
Ventilconvettore per cabina
Box Controls FS – RM – RA – RAB – RD – RDB – TLC-ECM
The ATS series air treatment units are designed and manufactured to meet the highest needs and performance of modern naval air conditioning systems intended for military ships equipment, with particular attention also to the handling, installation, operation and maintenance of the product.
The MAR air treatment units series are designed and manufactured to meet the highest needs and performance of modern naval air conditioning systems, with particular attention also to the handling, installation, operation and maintenance of the product.
I terminali di distribuzione aria SVR con post-riscaldamento elettrico sono stati espressamente progettati per installazioni a soffitto a bordo di navi. Queste cassette, tramite il segnale proveniente da una sonda ambiente elaborato da un regolatore elettronico, consentono di mantenere costanti nel tempo le condizioni ambientali richieste.
I terminali di distribuzione aria TSCR, con post-riscaldamento elettrico, sono stati espressamente progettati per installazioni a soffitto a bordo di navi e consentono, mediante un termostato ambiente, il controno individuale della temperatura nel locale e, mediante comando manuale, la regolazione della portata d’aria.
I terminali di distribuzione aria serie TSC – TSCR – SVR sono stati progettati per la distribuzione dell’aria nelle cabine passeggeri, ufficiali ed equipaggio.
The VF thermo fan series allow a wide range of choices to meet customer requests. They are designed for environments where air distribution is necessary through a network of ducts, ensuring high performance combined with low sound emission.
The HF-EC ducted fan coils series are particularly suitable for limiting air pressure losses in a duct network with medium dimensions, ensuring high performance combined with low noise emissions and reduced energy consumption. Unlike HF series, the HF-EC ducted fan coils series are equipped with permanent magnet (brushless) electric motors, which allow an average energy saving of 50% with a consequent CO2 reduction compared to traditional technology.
The HF ducted fan coils series are particularly suitable for limiting air pressure losses in a duct network with medium dimensions, ensuring high performance combined with low noise emissions and reduced energy consumption.